Watching China in Europe

Watching China in Europe: Episode Two with Wolfgang Niedermark

Episode Summary

In the second episode of "Watching China in Europe," a new series by GMF's Out of Order, Noah Barkin speaks with Wolfgang Niedermark, executive board member at the Federation of German Industries (BDI), the influential business lobby. After tit-for-tat sanctions between the EU and China sent a chill through the relationship, Niedermark talks about the increasingly precarious "balancing act" for German industry in China and whether the latest tensions will doom the EU-China investment agreement. Niedermark also discusses how Germany's China policy could evolve once Chancellor Angela Merkel leaves the political stage and sets out his worst and best case scenarios for German business in China over the next five years. New episodes of the "Watching China in Europe" series will be posted to the Out of Order feed every few weeks. For more on China in Europe, subscribe to Noah's monthly newsletter at the link below.

Episode Notes

Click HERE to subscribe to Noah's "Watching China in Europe" newsletter and read the April edition HERE.